
Tier One Tutors

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Established in 2004, Tier One Tutors is one of the leaders in private tutoring and test preparation across Southern California. We have partnered with nearly 100 local schools and have taught and tutored over 12,000 students. With a large team of professional and personable expert tutors, we provide private and customized tutoring in your home for maximum effectiveness and convenience. Your child doesn’t need more memorization or more homework to improve their score. Our private SAT/ACT tutoring utilizes simple and intuitive strategies that will help raise your child’s score – and confidence. Having a child struggle in school can be very overwhelming. That’s why Tier One offers specialized tutoring programs to help your child get the customized help they need in any subject K-12th grade!

Courses/Programs offered

event_available K-12th Grade tutoring programs - Free in-home trial hour of tutoring for any subject. - All tutoring is customized, one-on-one, private and in-home. - We tutor in ALL subjects K – 12.
event_available SAT/ACT tutoring programs - Free in-home SAT, ACT and college admissions consultation. - All tutoring is customized, one-on-one, private and in-home. - Our students routinely have 250-350 point SAT and 5-7 point ACT increases.




K-12th Grade tutoring programs SAT/ACT tutoring programs SAT Prep