Courses/Programs offered
event_available College Prep (9-12)
The critical thinking and analysis and composition components of our College Prep program are based on the materials covered in students’ high school English and History courses. Students are provided weekly vocabulary lists of words that appear with high frequency in literature and on standardized tests like the SAT and ACT.
event_available English Language Arts K-5
Integrated reading, writing, and grammar.
Reinforces the curriculum offered in Seattle schools.
Increases reading comprehension, critical thinking, and analysis.
Improves students’ reading levels..
Guides students through the writing and grammar they need to know.
event_available English Language Arts 6-8
Integrated critical thinking, writing composition, grammar, and vocabulary.
Enhances the curriculum offered in Seattle schools.
Improves reading comprehension, critical thinking, and analysis.
Teaches vocabulary students will need to know for standardized tests like the SAT.
Guides students through the writing and grammar necessary for academic success.
event_available Singapore Math K-6
Our Singapore Math program for primary school students is intended to supplement and enhance the math programs found in the region’s public and private schools. Singapore Math utilizes the Concrete – Pictorial – Abstract, or CPA, Approach to instill in children the fundamentals of mathematics.
event_available Singapore Math 7-9
Our math program for 7th and 8th grade students, as well as those taking algebra and geometry courses, is partially based on Dimensions Math, a Singapore Math program, which we use in concert with the math programs of the region’s public and private schools.