
Themba Tutors

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Themba Tutors LLC! Since 2012, Themba, which means trust in Swahili, has been a local multidisciplinary, doorstep private pay tutoring company grounded in contemporary scientific research and technology with a mission to support all learners of all ages in the comfort of their homes and schools. Themba Tutors has clients concentrated in the boroughs of New York City (Manhattan, Brooklyn, Queens, Staten Island, Bronx), but our coverage area extends across Greater New York into Nassau & Suffolk Counties (Long Island), Westchester County, Connecticut (CT), and New Jersey (NJ). Our traveling specialists provide one-to-one, individualized tutoring for all levels, personalities, and learning styles. The CEO and founder is a learning specialist and involved in helping you make the right choice for you or your loved one. Our staff of learning specialists, academic tutors, and writing coaches, who have been referred to us by colleagues we trust, help elementary, middle, high school, college students, and adults with and without learning differences. We have more advanced training than certified teachers, since we have masters or PhDs in fields related to learning differences including psychology, special education, math, literacy, and language pathology, to name a few. Also, we offer content tutoring and coaching in math, science, foreign languages, and the craft of writing.

Courses/Programs offered

event_available 1 on 1 Online Tutoring - ELEMENTARY - MIDDLE, HIGH SCHOOL - COLLEGE STUDENTS .
event_available Executive Functioning Coaching If your child has difficulty getting organized, remembering things, doing homework, and finishing projects, he or she may have executive function issues. Executive function is the cognitive skills we all use to analyze tasks, break them down into steps, and keep them in mind until we get things done. Executive function skills allow us to manage our time effectively, memorize facts, understand what we read, solve multi-step problems, and organize our thoughts when writing.
event_available Social Studies Social studies allow students to develop the attitudes, skills, and knowledge needed to become engaged, active, informed, and responsible citizens. Recognition and respect for individual and collective identity are important in a pluralistic and democratic society. Students gain an awareness of self and the importance of being a member of their local community and a citizen in society.
event_available Psychology Psychology is the scientific study of behavior and the mind, according to the American Psychological Association. The study of psychology includes many sub-categories such as: - Sports - Health - Clinical - Human development - Social behavior - Cognitive processes .
event_available Handwriting At a time when technology is a part of everyday life, computers and other electronic devices have become important learning tools. Students today spend more time online and in front of screens, whether to attend classes or conduct research for their schoolwork. Most school papers and homework are also done and submitted electronically, which makes keyboarding instruction for elementary school students necessary. But as much as it’s hard to imagine learning without the help of technology, doing away with handwriting lessons in favor of keyboarding instruction can negatively impact literacy development in young students.
event_available Machine Learning Machine learning is a type of artificial intelligence (AI) that allows software applications and systems to improve outcomes and make more accurate predictions without specific or explicit programming. Its algorithm works by accessing historical data and using it to learn and make better forecasts, calculations, or predictions.
event_available Math - Pre-Algebra - Algebra I - Algebra II - Geometry - Trigonometry - Pre-Calculus - Calculus - Statistics .
event_available Foreign Language - Spanish - Russian - Japanese - Korean - Hebrew - Ukrainian - Greek - Swahili - Portuguese - Yiddish - French - Creole - Latin - Ancient Greek - Italian .
event_available Test Prep For ѕtudеntѕ оf аll аgеѕ, finding еffесtivе wауѕ to рrераrе for tеѕtѕ, kеер up with assignments, and manage their timе еffiсiеntlу iѕ сruсiаl. Eѕtаbliѕhing good ѕtudу skill hаbitѕ at an early аgе iѕ inсrеdiblу imроrtаnt, аѕ thе demands on students inсrеаѕе throughout thеir асаdеmiс саrееr.
event_available Online Python Javascript Programming Coding If you want to pursue a career in programming (sometimes referred to as coding), there’s no better way to venture into the world of programming languages than through learning Python and JavaScript coding. These languages are particularly crucial for anyone who wants to develop websites and create applications. At Themba Tutors we offer online python javascript programming coding tutors.
event_available Online Python Javascript Programming Coding If you want to pursue a career in programming (sometimes referred to as coding), there’s no better way to venture into the world of programming languages than through learning Python and JavaScript coding. These languages are particularly crucial for anyone who wants to develop websites and create applications. At Themba Tutors we offer online python javascript programming coding tutors.
event_available Science - BIOLOGY - CHEMISTRY - PHYSICS - Earth Science - High School Biology - AP Biology .
event_available Global History Global history, world history, or transnational history is a field of study that emerged as a distinct academic field in the 1980s. It examines history from a global perspective. It is not to be confused with comparative history, which, like global history, deals with multiple cultures and nations, but not globally. Global history looks for common patterns that emerge across all cultures. World historians use a thematic approach, with two major focal points: integration and difference.
event_available English English language tutoring is not only for international learners who wish to improve their English skills. Having a good grasp of the English language is important even for native speakers.
event_available Reading Reading comprises several processes, including decoding, fluency, and comprehension. They are vital to the learning and development of all students.
event_available Writing - Writing for grade ( 1 To 12 , College , Adults ) - Song Writing - Poetry Writing - Creative Writing .




Chemistry Reading Test Prep Psychology Online Python Javascript Programming Coding French English Algebra Writing Creative Writing 1 on 1 Online Tutoring Science Statistics Trigonometry Spanish Geometry Machine Learning Global History Social Studies Executive Functioning Coaching Handwriting Physics Biology Calculus World History Earth Science Foreign Language Math