Courses/Programs offered
event_available Reading & Mathematics
Reading is taught phonetically and incorporates language as a natural part of the classroom environment. Individual daily lessons are given in the spirit of joy, instead of drudgery. The door to reading opens as soon as a child can decode a simple three-letter word. A goal of the school is for children to love to learn to read! Handwriting is introduced as a natural part of the reading process. Mathematical concepts are introduced with manipulatives and are a part of the daily classroom experience.
event_available Music
Music is an integral part of daily classroom activity. Each day ends in song and movement. The very popular drum circle is characterized by a sharing of rhythm and culture. Stage performances entertain parents and friends during the annual Christmas Program and Spring Concert.
event_available Spanish
Our Spanish program is based on how a child learns naturally; the beginning Spanish curriculum is introduced to children ages three to five. Spanish lessons at The Children’s Schoolhouse Montessori include an introduction to vocabulary and basic conversation skills with easy-to-use materials. The Spanish program encourages the practice of Spanish through cooperative and interactive situations and integrates culture and classroom materials with language learning. A different unit is introduced monthly.
event_available Art Appreciation & Art history
Art appreciation and art history introduce many famous artists as well as local artistic talent. Reproductions of great masterpieces inspire an appreciation of beauty at any age. Children are encouraged to explore a variety of art materials on a daily basis. They are given a space to work uninterrupted when they feel inspired. Preschool children are taught how to use and care for these materials. Geography, Botany, Zoology, Earth Science, History and Sensorial Education are also curriculum themes.
event_available Practical Life
Practical Life activities bring great joy to the preschool children as they strive for independence. Some of these activities include pouring, spooning, mirror, wood, brass and silver polishing as well as cleaning work areas, preparing and serving snacks to classmates.
event_available Grace & Courtesy
Grace and Courtesy Lessons include opening and closing a door quietly, blowing one's nose, learning to say "excuse me," "please," and "thank you," how to greet people, how to comfort a friend that is hurt and saying grace at mealtime. There are many more lessons! The most effective way to introduce these mannerly concepts is by role-playing. This is dramatic and great fun for the preschool child.