
Apex Tutors

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Apex Tutors was founded in 2020 during the height of the Covid-19 Pandemic. It’s Owner, John Manison, was watching the world around him and saw that a mass influx of tutors began to operate as children struggled with online school. The one thing that was lacking amongst these tutors was safety and connection. These private tutors were in it for the short term to make a buck. The lives that they were impacting did not make a difference. John sought to bring the same principles of safety, connection, and fun, that had become the foundations of his swim school, too his newest endeavor; Apex Tutors. With the help of his Mother, Father, and Sister he developed those same principles into the backbone of his tutoring company.

Courses/Programs offered

event_available College Subjects - College Math Tutoring - Algebra Tutoring - Trigonometry Help - Geometry Tutoring - Calculus Review - College Science Tutoring - College Chemistry Help - Organic Chemistry Tutoring - Bio Chemistry Tutoring - Physics Help - Biology Review - Anatomy Review - English Tutoring - History Tutoring .
event_available Specialty & Advanced Subjects - Language Tutoring - Spanish - ESL - Chinese - Computer Science Tutoring - Graphic Design - Coding - Java Programming - C++ Programming - Music - Art Instruction .
event_available Elementary & Middle School Tutoring - Math Tutoring - Science Tutoring - Grammar Tutoring - Writing Improvement - Reading Comprehension Skills - Social Studies Tutoring - Art - Music Instruction .
event_available High School Tutoring & Standardized Test Prep - Reading Comprehension Skills - English Tutoring - Creative Writing Instruction - Algebra Tutoring - Pre-Calculus - Calculus Tutoring - Geometry Review - Trigonometry Help - Basic Science Tutoring - Chemistry Tutoring - Biology Review - Physics Tutoring - AP Tutoring - IP Tutoring - CHSPE Prep - SAT Prep - ACT Prep.




Geometry High School Tutoring & Standardized Test Prep College Subjects Chemistry Anatomy Trigonometry Physics Biology Calculus Specialty & Advanced Subjects Elementary & Middle School Tutoring Algebra Science Mathematics Creative Writing SAT Prep English Spanish Social Studies