Courses/Programs offered
event_available WPPSI Test (Wechsler Preschool Primary Scale of Intelligence)
The WPPSI (Wechsler Preschool and Primary Scale of Intelligence) uses subtests to determine a child’s Verbal and Performance IQ scores as well as the processing speed for children ages 2.5 years old to 7.25 years old. The WPPSI uses composite scores to assess a student’s general intellectual ability and cognitive functioning based on their test performance and current age. The test typically takes less than an hour and is given one-on-one by a trained psychologist.
event_available California Gifted and Talented Education (GATE)
The California Department of Education administers the Gifted and Talented Education (GATE) Program, which provides funding for local educational agencies to develop unique education opportunities for high-achieving and underachieving students. Each school district’s governing board determines their own criteria for GATE program participation.
event_available KBIT-2 Test
The KBIT Test (Kaufman Brief Intelligence Test) is a brief, individually administered measure of verbal (vocabulary subtest) and non verbal (Matrices subtest) intelligence.
event_available SHSAT (Specialized High Schools Admissions Test)
Administered by the Department of Education, the Specialized High Schools Admissions Test (SHSAT) is taken by 8th and 9th graders for admission into specialized high schools in New York City, and is the only acceptance factor for eight of the nine specialized schools, making test prep a crucial factor in obtaining the best score possible.
event_available Stanford-Binet V (SB5)
The Stanford-Binet is a traditional intelligence test designed to assess your child’s IQ, or intelligence quotient. While the test includes both verbal and nonverbal sections, the exam skips around through different questions instead of grouping them together by subtest type in order to best assess each child’s unique cognitive abilities, strengths and weaknesses.
event_available STB Test (Spatial Test Battery)
The Spatial Test Battery (STB) is a thorough assessment of visual-spatial ability that is used in conjunction with other tests to determine admissions to the Johns Hopkins University Center for Talented Youth (CTY). Spatial visualization is a comprehensive ability that can be measured by students abilities in facial recognition, shape rotation, mental imagery and other spatial relationships; children who are visual-spatial learners often find it easier to learn through graphs, charts or other graphics than through text or listening.
event_available Iowa Assessments and ITBS Test
The Iowa Tests are achievement tests published by the University of Iowa and are part of the “The Iowa Testing Programs.” The two most commonly-given Iowa Tests are the Iowa Tests of Basic Skills (ITBS) and the Iowa Assessments. Both are achievement tests, meaning they assess a child’s knowledge of what they have learned in school and are not cognitive or IQ tests. Despite the name, many states and private schools administer Iowa Tests.
event_available SAGES-2 Test
The SAGES Test (Screening Assessment for Gifted Elementary and Middle School Students) is an aptitude and achievement test, geared towards identifying gifted students in kindergarten through eighth grade. The test was co-written by Susan K. Johnsen, PhD, and Anne L. Corn, PhD, who both serve as major contributors in the field of educational testing.
event_available CTP Test (Comprehensive Testing Program)
The Comprehensive Testing Program (CTP) developed by the developed by the ERB (Educational Records Bureau) is a test designed to collect basic information about your child’s achievement in these key areas: listening, reading, vocabulary, writing, and mathematics. The CTP is often referred to as the ERB test even though the ERB is actually the publisher and not the name of the test itself.
event_available ISEE Test
The Independent School Entrance Exam (ISEE Test) is an achievement and reasoning test developed by the Educational Records Bureau (ERB) that is used to evaluate children around the country for private school entry. While ISEE scores are an important component of the student’s application to these schools, other factors, such as school records and interviews, also determine whether the child is offered a seat into the school.
event_available SHSAT (Specialized High Schools Admissions Test)
Administered by the Department of Education, the Specialized High Schools Admissions Test (SHSAT) is taken by 8th and 9th graders for admission into specialized high schools in New York City, and is the only acceptance factor for eight of the nine specialized schools, making test prep a crucial factor in obtaining the best score possible.
event_available Woodcock Johnson Tests
The Woodcock Johnson Tests of Cognitive Abilities can be given to children from the age of 2 through adulthood. The Woodcock Johnson tests cover a wide range of cognitive skills.
event_available WASI Test (Wechsler Abbreviated Scale of Intelligence)
The Wechsler Abbreviated Scale of Intelligence (WASI Test) delivers an estimation of a student’s general intellectual ability by measuring the verbal, nonverbal, and general cognition of individuals from 6 to 89 years of age. Psychologist David Wechsler developed the WASI intelligence scale guided by his belief that intelligence was not one dimensional, but rather composed of a series of cognitive abilities. This test allows psychologists and other professionals to screen for intellectual giftedness or learning disabilities.
event_available Fairfax County Public Schools AAP (Advanced Academic Program)
The Fairfax County Advanced Academic Programs (AAP) are the gifted and talented programs for elementary, middle, and high school students attending Fairfax County Public Schools. The accelerated programs challenge students academically, while also catering to their core strengths.
event_available NWEA MAP® Test
The NWEA MAP Test (Measures of Academic Progress) is an adaptive achievement and growth test. It creates a personalized assessment experience by adapting to each student’s learning level—precisely measuring progress and growth for each individual student.
event_available Renaissance STAR
The Renaissance Star is a suite of tests which consist of Renaissance Star Early Literacy®, Renaissance Star Reading®, and Renaissance Star Math®, and Renaissance Star Spanish®. The Renaissance Star tests are used to get a thorough understanding and view of a student’s progress, achievement, and growth throughout the year. Although the Renaissance Star test is not designed for this purpose, some schools will use the Renaissance Star Reading scores and Renaissance Star Math scores as part of their criteria for gifted and talented or GATE programs.
event_available Reynolds RIAS and RIAS-2 Tests
The RIAS Test (Reynolds Intellectual Assessment Scales) is a brief intelligence test used as a measure of verbal and non-verbal intelligence. It also includes a a co-normed, supplemental measure of memory.
The RIAS-2 is an objective, comprehensive assessment of intelligence and its major components. With a low emphasis on motor demand, it offers a more accurate and valid assessment than similar measures. It also uses the same, but updated, sub-tests that are listed below. It also includes a Speeded Naming Task and a Speeded Picture Search.
event_available Chicago Public Schools Gifted Program
Chicago Public Schools Gifted Programs offer a plethora of choices for your gifted child’s educational needs. The Chicago Public School (CPS) system is one of the largest school districts in the United States, so there are many elementary school options to consider. In addition to general education programs, CPS offers magnet and magnet cluster schools (special emphasis on a topic area such as Fine Arts or Math & Science), along with charter (privately run), and Regional Gifted Centers and Classical Schools (academically advanced).
event_available SCAT Test
The SCAT (School and College Ability Test) is a standardized test used by the Johns Hopkins Center for Talented Youth (CTY) to identify 2nd – 12th graders for their gifted program. The SCAT is an “above grade level” test and measures math and verbal reasoning abilities.
event_available Houston ISD Gifted Testing
Houston Independent School District (HISD) Vanguard Gifted and Talented (G/T) programs are for students who have been identified as potentially gifted or talented in intellectual ability, creativity, or leadership.
event_available OLSAT (Otis-Lennon School Ability Test®)
The Otis-Lennon School Ability Test (OLSAT) is a multiple-choice K-12 assessment that measures reasoning skills with several different types of verbal, non-verbal, figural, and quantitative reasoning questions. It is designed to assess a child’s performance across a wide variety of reasoning skillsets. Schools commonly administer the OLSAT for admissions into gifted and talented programs.
event_available WIAT
The WIAT Test (Wechsler Individual Achievement Test) is an individually administered achievement test that takes about 30 to 90 minutes. Specifically the WIAT is used to measure the strengths and weaknesses of your child, so that the school may determine need for special support or notice stand-out skills in specific areas for gifted and talented programs, especially for children who are twice exceptional (refers to intellectually gifted children who have some form of disability). It is used for ages 4 years and up.
event_available CCAT Test
The Canadian Cognitive Abilities Test (CCAT) is a reasoning assessment used to determine a student’s eligibility for admissions into gifted and talented programs. It is a group-administered intelligence test given in Canada to students in grades K-12. The CCAT 7 measures verbal, nonverbal, and quantitative reasoning. The test is given over three separate sessions and takes 90 minutes in total to administer.
event_available WISC-V Test (Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children)
The WISC Test (Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children) is an IQ test administered to children between ages 6 and 16 by school districts and psychologists. The objective of the exam is to understand whether or not a child is gifted, as well as to determine the student’s cognitive strengths and weaknesses.
event_available CogAT Test
The Cognitive Abilities Test (CogAT) is a multiple-choice K-12 assessment that measures reasoning skills with different types of verbal, quantitative, and nonverbal questions. The CogAT is a group-administered aptitude test commonly given as an entrance exam into school’s gifted programs.
event_available Torrance Tests of Creative Thinking (TTCT)
The TTCT (Torrance Tests of Creative Thinking) assess how creatively a child’s mind works and are often given to children to determine advanced placement or as part of an entrance examination. They are very different from intelligence and reasoning tests your child may have already taken. Instead of traditionally taught subjects such as reading or math, these tests assess creativity. Children are scored on a number of aspects. This includes:
Creative titles for pictures
and Humor
event_available Hunter College High School Program and Testing
Hunter College High School (HCHS), located on the Upper East Side of Manhattan, is a public school for gifted and talented students. Their accelerated program is designed to both challenge and prepare students to be active and engaged learners and future leaders. Students who demonstrate intellectual curiosity, complex thinking, as well as a love of learning are attractive applicants for this program.
event_available State of Texas Assessments of Academic Readiness (STAAR)
The STAAR Test (State of Texas Assessments of Academic Readiness) was implemented in spring 2012, replacing the Texas Assessment of Knowledge and Skills (TAKS) test. STAAR is a standardized test given in the state of Texas to primary and secondary students.
event_available CTY Summer Programs
The Center for Talented Youth (CTY) is a summer program established by the Johns Hopkins University in 1979 that offers challenging coursework to gifted and talented students, allowing them to work side-by-side with other passionate learners. CTY admits thousands of U.S.-based and international students each summer and is accredited by the Middle States Association of College and Schools Commissions on Elementary and Secondary Schools.
event_available InView Test
The InView Test is a nationally normed cognitive abilities test used by a number of schools to qualify students for gifted and talented placement. The InView acts like an IQ test, measuring a student’s ability to use information and apply it in new and different ways, evaluating how a student analyzes and employs higher-order thinking skills (including verbal reasoning, sequences, analogies and quantitative reasoning), and measuring a student’s cognitive abilities that are needed to learn and succeed in school.
event_available NNAT Test (Naglieri Nonverbal Ability Test)
The NNAT (Naglieri Nonverbal Ability Test) is a nonverbal test used for qualifying K-12 students for gifted and talented programs. It is a group-administered aptitude test commonly given as an entrance exam into schools’ gifted programs. The NNAT utilizes shapes and figures to evaluate the problem-solving and reasoning abilities of a child without relying on their language skills.
event_available KABC
The KABC (Kaufman Assessment Battery for Children) is an individually administered, culturally fair test that measures cognitive abilities in children ages 3 – 18. There are 18 subtests that assess knowledge, memory, pattern recognition, serial reasoning, and more. Many of the subtests on the KABC-II are similar to those used with the NNAT-2 and 3, Woodcock-Johnson-III Tests of Achievement, OLSAT and Kaufman Brief Intelligence Test-2 (KBIT-2). In fact, it is more common to see schools use the KBIT-2 to pre-qualify students for gifted and talented programs. If the child achieves a minimum score, then they are then invited to go on for more in-depth testing with a full IQ Test instrument.
event_available AABL Test
The Admissions Assessment for Beginning Learners (AABL) is an iPad-administered exam given to children ages 4 through 6 for screening and admissions into gifted and talented programs. The AABL uses fun graphics to cover verbal reasoning, quantitative reasoning, early literacy and mathematics. The AABL has been in development since 2011 and has been extensively field-tested during that time.
event_available TerraNova Test
The TerraNova Test is an achievement test commonly given to students in grades K-12 that measures achievement in reading, language arts, mathematics, science, social studies, vocabulary, spelling, and other areas. The Terra Nova testing is published by CTB/McGraw-Hill and has set the bar for the highest standards in research, item reliability and validity, and technical quality.
event_available BSRA Test
The Bracken School Readiness Assessment, (“BSRA-3”) is a concept test for children Pre-K through second grade. It helps you determine if your child is ready for school by measuring a child’s exposure to concepts necessary for learning at school. It can be used to assess children’s knowledge of “readiness” concepts and is developmentally sensitive to children’s basic concept acquisition and receptive language skills. The Bracken Test was first published in 2002.