
Swan Learning Center

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Swan Learning Center became reality when director Jenny Beaumont realized the need for this type of help for local children and their families. As more families approached Jenny for help with tutoring, she saw a need for enrichment programs and supplemental opportunities for ages as young as preschool through high school and college level curriculums. Swan Learning Center was born out of a desire to help children of all ability levels who needed this educational enrichment.

Courses/Programs offered

event_available Reading We have various programs that cater to readers at every level of development. We assess each student with a battery of diagnostic tests to determine what level the student is preforming on and which specific skills need to be taught and reinforced.
event_available Maths For many students, math feels like an overwhelming hurdle. Yet, at Swan Learning Center, we believe all students can achieve success with math if they have enough confidence in their abilities. If you are looking for a Charlotte math tutor who can support your student and build a love of learning in math, Swan Learning Center has a team that can come alongside your child and provides needed support and instruction.
event_available SAT Preparation for the SAT with the writing section is available at Swan. Learn the tips and techniques needed to improve your SAT score through a personalized program. The course includes vocabulary building, comprehension development and math strategies—everything you need to raise your score on the SAT. The new SAT program adds the writing component, Algebra II and the greater emphasis on critical reading. The program is between 16 and 24 hours of instruction. Most students come to the center twice a week for one hour each time.
event_available Writing Writing is a skill that shows up in nearly every aspect of adult life, yet many students fail to learn how to write well. They struggle with grammar, writing mechanics, and forming thought-out sentences and paragraphs. Sometimes, additional help and support are necessary to help these students become successful writers.




Languages Known


Swan Learning Center offers professional tutoring services in Charlotte, NC. Areas of focus include reading, writing, math, and standard test preparation.

Maths Mathematics SAT Algebra SAT Prep Writing Reading