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We are Tutors! We are Experts!

Too often students struggle for one simple reason: they don’t get the right support from their supervisors or universities.

Whether it’s help writing to the required standard of English, lessons in structuring a thesis, or being guided through research design decisions, tutors support is vital to a successful writing work.

It’s our job to give you the support you need. We’re the only specialised proofreading, editorial and rewriting and support company to work exclusively for college, masters and Phd students. Plus, we’ve all got PhDs tutors ourselves, so we know exactly what’s required and know the pressure you’re under.

We also know what kind of support you need to succeed. We were fed up with seeing poor quality resources, and overpriced services taking advantage of people’s desperation and vulnerability, so we made our own and now offer them to you.

Our goal isn’t to make money, it’s to help you score well.

Courses/Programs offered

event_available Academics Editorial Rewriting Writing Editing Proofreading




Languages Known


Writing, Editing, Proofreading It doesn’t matter what sort of academic help you are seeking as we cover a wide range …
