
Sound Learning

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Vision Statement (why and how):

Sound Learning transforms lives through education by helping people develop self-reliance, and strengthening community involvement through collaboration.

We see a community that takes advantage of the economic and social opportunities represented by greater levels of literacy. Students and alumni are respected and represented in the business, social and education sectors.

Values Statement (what we believe):

- We are committed to respecting, supporting, and collaborating with the adult and youth participants in our program.

- We believe that learner-centered, community-based education gives power and knowledge to people who often have not experienced success in more traditional educational settings.

- We individualize instruction, building on each participant's life experiences, interests, abilities, and personal goals as they relate to their role in the family, workplace, and community.

- We are committed to bettering lives through education, because helping people to help themselves -- building self reliance -- strengthens communities.

We are looking for volunteers who...

- Have time and energy to devote to tutoring

- Exhibit patience, enthusiasm, and good communication skills

- Are open-minded and tolerant of differences

- Are sensitive to learners' needs, and flexible and adaptable in response to those needs

- Are willing to take direction and accept feedback

- Are committed to on-going learning and development

Our Mission:

We Educate adults to succeed and contribute to society.

Sound Learning offers low-cost Basic Skills education for adults and out-of-school youth (reading, writing, and math), GED preparation, and English for Speakers of other Languages.

Sound Learning has classes that prepare students to take the GED exam for high school equivalency (HSE) testing. Sound Learning offers an HS+ (formerly High School 21+) program that offers adults the chance to earn their high school diploma. Sound Learning also provides ESL classes to help teenage

English Mathematics