These days, mathematics is not merely about addition, subtraction, multiplication or division. Its not merely about calculus, factors, square and square roots, Save that for the calculator.
Instead mathematics, in today's world is about percentages and geometry. It is about the measurement of time, money, speed and dimensions. Its about the analysis or graphs, tables and ratios,
These real world mathematical application forms today's primary and secondary school syllabus as mandated by the Ministry of Education. Take a look at our syllabus chart and you will know what we mean. At S.A.M, our worksheets are designed to stay truly relevant to your child's primary and secondary School syllabus.
2013 Singapore
S.A.M Singapore Mathematics 88 Marketplace KK
Seriously Addictive Mathematics, or SAM is a Singapore Maths learning and enrichment program, founded in Singapore, with a unique Problem Solving Curriculum designed for preschool and primary school students from 4 to 12 years of age.