
Phoenix Tutoring & Test Prep

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We offer one-on-one tutoring format with personalized lessons for each client. We offer tutoring services from elementary to college level and to nontraditional students. We believe that in order to learn you must experience. We make programs to strengthen student’s experience with courses and standardized tests

Courses/Programs offered

event_available College - Literature - MLA Style Writing - APA Style Writing - English Composition - Urban Planning - Political Science - Philosophy - Geography - Genetics - Pre-Calculus - Spelling and Grammar - Life Sciences - Environmental Sciences - Earth Sciences - Statistics - Resume Writing - Study Skills - Anatomy - History - Speech and Communications - Reading Comprehension - Writing - Psychology - Sociology - GED Preparations - Chemistry Tutoring - Biology.
event_available Test Preparations - GMAT - Testing Strategies - GED Preparations - ACT Preparations - SAT Preparations - ASVAB Preparations - GRE Preparations - TOEFL Preparations - Teacher Certification Test (NES) - HESI Exam.
event_available Elementary - Singapore Math - Elementary Vocabulary - Elementary Science - Elementary Reading - Elementary Math - Elementary Grammar - Study Skills - Reading Comprehension - Writing - Algebra Tutoring - Chemistry Tutoring - Geometry - Biology.
event_available High School - Pre-Calculus - Spelling and Grammar - Literature - Language Arts - English - Government - American History - World Studies - Environmental Sciences - Earth Sciences - Statistics - Resume Writing - Study Skills - Anatomy - History - Speech and Communications - Reading Comprehension - Writing - Psychology - Algebra Tutoring - Chemistry Tutoring - Physics Tutoring - Geometry - Biology.




Geography Mathematics Anatomy American History Language Arts Genetics Life Sciences English GMAT Prep SAT Prep TOEFL Prep Science Algebra High School Psychology Sociology Test Preparations GRE Prep Elementary Geometry Earth Sciences Statistics Chemistry Biology Physics College