
Peace Learning Center

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We are located in Indianapolis’ Eagle Creek Park at the former Eagle Crest Estate of J.K. Lilly II, brother of Eli Lilly. Eagle Creek Park is the fourth largest city park in the United States, a beautiful setting for indoor or outdoor programs and year-round nature hikes. A partnership with the City of Indianapolis and Indy Parks and Recreation provides this incredible PLC program and administrative staff setting. It all started with a few people concerned about neighborhood and family violence in Indianapolis. It grew to a community educational institution promoting peace-building and conflict resolution with programs replicated in eight US cities and five countries. We work directly with schools, community nonprofits, businesses, juvenile correctional facilities, and faith groups to facilitate peace education sessions. At Peace Learning Center, we believe everyone can be a peacemaker. Each of our sessions is designed to teach safe and simple ways to manage anger, solve problems, and develop an appreciation for differing perspectives.

Courses/Programs offered

event_available Programs for Youth Whether we’re working with preschoolers or high school students, our programs are designed to be interactive and fun. Our facilitators use games and activities to create memorable discussions and produce lasting results. We believe that to bring about real change, children have to be part of the solution — not just given a solution. - Climate Camp - Everyday Circles Cards - Field Trips - Implicit Bias for Teens - Multi-Family Workshops - Peacebuilders Camp - Peers Making Peace - Social Justice Leadership Camp - Social Justice Leadership Workshops .
event_available Programs for Educators & Youth Workers - Analyzing Power(Available Fall 2021) - Culturally Responsive Practices Workshops - Equity Circles for Educators - Equity for Educators (Available Fall 2021) - Everyday Circles Cards - Field Trips - History of Race (Available 2021) - Implicit Bias for Educators (Available Fall 2021) - Peace Learning Circles Implementation - Restorative Practices - SEL-Academic Integration - SEL for Educators - Train the Trainer .
event_available Programs for Parents & Families - Conflict Styles & Resolution - Family Workshops - SEL for Adults .
event_available Programs for Community Members - Analyzing Power(Available Fall 2021) - Conflict Styles & Resolution - Creating Spaces for Critical Conversations - Equity Dialogue Circles - History of Race (Available Fall 2021) - Implicit Bias - Interrupting Microaggressions - Restorative Practices - SEL for Adults - Train the Trainer (Restorative Practices) .
event_available Programs for Non-Profits & Businesses - Analyzing Power(Available Fall 2021) - Conflict Styles & Resolution - Creating Spaces for Critical Conversations - Equity Dialogue Circles - Field Trips - General Implicit Bias - Implicit Bias for Health Care Workers - Interrupting Microaggressions - Restorative Practices - SEL for Adults - Train the Trainer .
event_available Programs that promote peace This introductory workshop is 1.5 hours and focuses on building a basic awareness and general understanding of its impact. Participants will also be guided through self-reflection around how bias may show up in their lives. - Implicit Bias for Adults - Implicit Bias for Health Care Workers - Implicit Bias for Educators - Implicit Bias for Teens - Interrupting Microaggressions - Creating Space for Critical Conversations - Equity Circles for Educators - Social Justice Leadership Camp - Equity for Educators .




Programs for Parents & Families Programs for Community Members Programs for Non-Profits & Businesses Programs that promote peace Programs for Youth Programs for Educators & Youth Workers