
Nth Degree Tutoring

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I, Scot S. Fagerland, Esq., and the corporation The Law Office of Scot S. Fagerland, PC, dba Nth Degree Tutoring (collectively “NTH DEGREE”) respect your privacy. We will never willfully disclose individually identifiable information about our customers to any third party, except in the limited circumstances permitted by this policy.

We do not sell, rent, or loan any personally identifiable information regarding our customers to any third party. Any information you give to us is held with the utmost care and security, and will not be used in ways to which you have not consented.

Courses/Programs offered

event_available ACT
event_available GRE
event_available GMAT
event_available LSAT
event_available English
event_available Law
event_available SAT
event_available Math
event_available Science
event_available Engineering




Languages Known

Math Science Law SAT English Engineering ACT GRE GMAT LSAT