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For all students to succeed in school, regardless of their individual roadblocks, challenges, or circumstances.


To have our students reach their fullest potential. To do so, we will:

  • Match teachers to students' personalities.

  • Adopt a variety of teaching styles according to the student and material.

  • Make learning convenient in terms of time and place.

  • Ensure fundamental concepts are mastered before moving on to more complex material.

  • Accommodate students' unique learning styles.

Courses/Programs offered

event_available Grade 10 Math Science English French History Visual Art Business Civics Careers Information and Communication Technology
event_available Grade 11 Financial Accounting History Designing Your Future Philosophy Computer Science World Religion Intro to Psychology, Anthropology and Sociology Math Physics Biology Chemistry English French Media Studies
event_available Grade 12 Advanced Functions Calculus and Vectors Data Management Physics Biology Chemistry English The Writer’s Craft French Business and Technology Drama Music Business World Issues History Economics Politics Health and Nutrition Family Studies Canadian and International Law Society: Challenge and Change Philosophy Computer Science Data Science Introduction to Kinesiology Photography Financial Accounting Environment and Resource Mgmt.
event_available Grade 9 Math Science English French Geography Learning Strategies Intro to Business Information and Communication Technology Integrated Arts Healthy Active Living (Phys. Ed) Individual and Family Living Music




Languages Known


ACE YOUR EDUCATION 1-on-1 High School Courses. E-Learning Support. K-12 Tutoring. Pod Schooling.

Anthropology Economics Computer Science Psychology Mathematics Grade 10 French Science Grade 11 Biology Chemistry Geography English Physics Grade 12 Calculus Grade 9 Sociology