
Mindfish Test Prep & Academics

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Since 2005, Mindfish has helped thousands of Colorado students reach their standardized testing and college goals. All of our programs are built around one-on-one tutoring and designed to address each student’s unique needs. We offer test prep services year-round to prepare for every administration of the SAT and ACT. We are also proud to be the official test prep provider for some of the best private schools in Colorado: Kent Denver School, St. Anne’s Episcopal School, and the Alexander Dawson School. As experts in standardized testing, we also offer test prep services focusing on GMAT, ISEE, SSAT, HSPT, GRE, LSAT, AP Exams, and Academic Tutoring.

Courses/Programs offered

event_available AP & IB Test Prep / Tutoring Our tutors are available to help students with coursework and test prep for AP Calculus, AP Chemistry, AP Physics, AP English (Lang and Lit), AP Biology, and more. They can also help students with the IB coursework and exams required for the IB Diploma.
event_available Test Prep ACT / SAT / PSAT / ISEE / SSAT / HSPT / GRE / GMAT
event_available Math Algebra I and II, Geometry, Trigonometry, Pre-Calculus, Statistics
event_available Science Chemistry, Biology, Physics
event_available Literature English classes, American Literature, World Literature
event_available History / Social Studies U.S. History, World History, Government, Economics
event_available Essay Writing at any stage, from brainstorming to final draft




Languages Known


Welcome to Mindfish Colorado. We offer the best SAT & ACT prep services and customized academic tutoring programs.

ISEE Prep GRE Prep HSPT Prep Geometry History / Social Studies World History Essay Writing Physics GMAT Prep Statistics Algebra Trigonometry Economics English Calculus Science Literature Chemistry SSAT Prep SAT Prep Math AP & IB Test Prep / Tutoring Biology Test Prep