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LearningRx specializes in one-on-one brain training franchised centers and license opportunities. With more than 50 LearningRx centers and over 300 licensed locations around the world, clients of all ages work face-to-face with their own personal brain trainers, doing intense (but fun) mental exercises and drills that improve cognitive skills. Cognitive skills are the core skills the brain uses to think, read, learn, remember, reason, and pay attention, and are also the abilities that determine IQ. Our clients include children and adults with learning disabilities, dyslexia, ADHD, autism, PDD, ODD, Asperger's, and TBI. Since its inception in 2001, LearningRx has helped thousands of people experience the benefits of stronger cognitive performance.

We call it brain training. Our clients call it life changing.

Courses/Programs offered

event_available Einstein Einstein includes ThinkRx, ReadRx, and MathRx.
event_available LiftOff LiftOff is available to preschoolers through first graders and works on the foundational cognitive skills and early reading skills so important for early learners. These include auditory processing (the skill that allows the brain to analyze, blend, and segment sounds), attention, memory, processing speed, visual processing, and reasoning.
event_available StudyRx StudyRx helps clients develop stronger study skills. The program teaches clients 14 test-taking tips, 12 top learning strategies, as well as eight core study skills based on fictionalized stories of historical figures and the habits, skills, and perspectives that contributed to their success.
event_available Brain Booster Program Brain Booster programs are offered in two formats. The first is for adults who do not have a need for a full program, and instead are interested in doing mental exercises with a trainer at their own convenience. The Brain Booster program for adults is offered in 12, 18, or 24-session segments. Brain Booster is also offered to clients who have completed one of our other full programs and are interested in additional one-on-one training.
event_available ThinkRx ThinkRx is our core program. Offered over a minimum of 12 weeks, this program works on all the core cognitive skills. Every client who is over seven years of age and in a full program trains with ThinkRx.
event_available ReadRx A powerful reading intervention, ReadRx trains the cognitive skills of auditory processing (the skill that allows the brain to analyze, blend, and segment sounds) as well as other skills that are critical to reading success.
event_available BrainSkills BrainSkills is a digital brain training program that can be used to supplement the one-on-one training that is the cornerstone of all our programs, or as a maintenance program for those who have completed one of our full one-on-one programs.
event_available ComprehendRx ComprehendRx takes reading intervention to a new level, focusing on the cognitive skills that are critical for reading comprehension. This program works on many cognitive skills, including visual processing, reasoning skills, sequential processing (the ability to understand and integrate information in order), working memory, and metacognitive strategies (the development of self-awareness and the ability to self-assess).
event_available MathRx MathRx trains the cognitive skills needed to efficiently and effectively develop numerical fluency, learn math concepts, solve problems, and perform calculations.




BrainSkills MathRx Mathematics Einstein LiftOff ComprehendRx StudyRx Brain Booster Program ThinkRx ReadRx