
JTC Education

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We're different:

1. Small team, big impact — We are inundated with applications from tutors every year. But we only hire the best. Our tutors are more than academics: they are energetic, charismatic, and experts in the curriculum they teach. They are a team. And their students are their #1 team-members.

2. Pioneers of a new approach — We carry out tutoring in a way that no-one else does. All our tutors are individually trained in study methods unique to JTC Education. These methods are designed to enhance exam technique and nurture academic independence. They have improved students’ grades every year, for the past ten years. Without fail.

3. Grades that actually go up — Our tutors are results-driven. This means they set goals and then devise plans to achieve them. We pride ourselves on being the company that changes the trajectory of students’ lives.

4. See progress, stay in the loop — Our tutors take pride in their students’ progress, and they want to share it. Follow-up emails provided after every lesson. These include a brief summary of what was covered, what has been set as homework, and what will be covered next time.

5. Less time, better results — JTC Education competes on price by offering quality. Other companies may charge less in the short run, but they always cost more in the long run. Our tutors meet your needs swiftly and effectively. They encourage academic independence so that more hours than necessary are never taken. We only offer quality.

6. The future of education — Our tutors are trained in the newest interactive whiteboard technology on the market. Unlike competitors, we don’t waste time plugging buggy, ‘self-developed’ whiteboard apps. We use the best third-party software out there; and we use it better than anyone else.

7. A professional service, committed to you — Our tutors have a career in education. They have opted for tutoring over teaching because they prefer working with individuals and small groups. Many are Oxbridge graduates; some are examiners; all are punctual and professional.

8. Accommodating any request — We have taken students through countless curricula, entrance exams and university admissions processes. Although small, our team is expert enough to deal with almost any request you may have. If your request is unusual and none of our team is suitable, we promise to do our utmost to find somebody who is.

JTC Education is a small and select team of professional tutors: Oxbridge graduates, examiners, educational leaders. We adhere to a unique tuition methodology focussed on exam technique and nurturing academic independence

JTC Education is a select team of professional tutors. Our team consists of examiners, Oxbridge graduates and PGCE-qualified teachers. We adhere to a unique tuition methodology focussed on exam technique and academic independence. We have a longstanding proven track-record of getting students results, and getting them into their university of choice.

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