
JMB Educational Services

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Hello, I am Judy Brice, founder of the company. I am a fully qualified Primary Teacher with over 20 years of experience in the Education Sector. 

Courses/Programs offered

event_available English JMB Educational Services Team will be specialist English Tuition. High quality and engaging online tuition from experienced qualified teachers.
event_available Maths I provide Online Maths lessons for children who don’t find Maths easy and come to me with Maths Anxiety; to empower them to believe in their own ability and to start to thrive in Maths. Providing Specialist Maths Tuition for Dyscalculia and Dyslexia. I am positive and enthusiastic, building on the positives of what they can do rather than dwelling on the negatives. I am passionate about helping struggling learners.




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English Maths Mathematics