
Jerimah McClary

Xnj Consulting
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Over 30 years of experience in individual and organizational development training. Leading teams to realize their potential and maximize their team efforts.

Education Learning Concept


check_circle_outline National Facilitator Certifications: Myers-Briggs Type Indicator/ Vital Smarts: Crucial Conversations / Development Dimensions International (DDI) Certified /LaMarsh Change Professional / Achieve Global

Courses/Programs offered

event_available Emotional Intelligence Emotional Intelligence Workshop Emotional intelligence describes the ability to understand one's feelings, and that of groups, and how these emotions can influence motivation and behavior. The concepts of Emotional Intelligence have been around since at least the 1900s, but the term was first introduced by Wayne Payne in 1985. As a result of the growing acknowledgment by professionals of the importance and relevance of emotions to work outcomes, the research on the topic continued to gain momentum, but it wasn't until the publication of Daniel Goleman's best-seller Emotional Intelligence: Why It Can Matter More Than IQ that the term became widely accepted by mainstream media.
event_available Coaching and Mentoring Workshop You are in your office looking over your performance report and it happened again. Your low-performing employee failed to meet quota this month even after you spoke with them about the importance of meeting goals. This employee has a great attitude and you know they can do better. You just do not know how to motivate them to reach the goal. Money used to work, but that has worn off. You are baffled and you know being frustrated makes matters worse. What do you do? Coaching And Mentoring focus on how to better coach your employees to higher performance. Coaching is a process of relationship building and setting goals. How well you coach is related directly to how well you can foster a great working relationship with your employees through understanding them and strategic goal setting.




Coaching and Mentoring Workshop National Facilitator Certifications: Myers-Briggs Type Indicator/ Vital Smarts: Crucial Conversations / Development Dimensions International (DDI) Certified /LaMarsh Change Professional / Achieve Global Emotional Intelligence