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With many years of experience in teaching at public and private K-12, colleges likes George Washington University, Johns Hopkins University, Maryland University, Montgomery College - Science, Math and English courses, our team members know exactly how to explain complicated Chemistry, Biology, Math, Physics, Statistics concepts in plain and simple English. We can also give you tips for taking exams. We are highly skillful, very friendly, energetic, passionate and patient in teaching our students face-to-face and online.

Courses/Programs offered

event_available Physics We can help you with conceptual and Mathematical, General and Applied Physics courses. The topics that usually students need help with are measurement, space, time, vectors, one dimensional and multidimensional motion, dynamics, forces, work and energy, conservation of energy, systems of particles, collisions, rotational motion, rotational dynamics, elasticity, fluids, gravitation, waves and sound, heat and thermodynamics.
event_available Biology We can deliver educational materials addressing various areas of biology: Unity and Diversity. The unity traditionally involves biological chemistry, energetics and homeostasis, cell structure and function, gene expression with regulation, and patterns of inheritance; the second part of biology is understood as diversity, evolutionary history, environment, ecology, behavior, organ systems and population biology.
event_available Business, Management, Marketing Our tutors can give you hand with your classes on Business, Management, and Marketing, and help you with your academic papers and projects. We ready to professionally cover your very diverse needs in this area. The courses our clients typically need help with are some variation of Principles and Practices of Contemporary Business, Marketing, Principles of Management, Entrepreneurship, Business Statistics. We had high school students from AP Marketing class, lots of folks from community colleges with accounting problems, Management or Entrepreneurship classwork and many four-year college strugglers with business statistics, econometrics problems or business plans.
event_available US Government and Law Our education company can help you with your high school US Government, or Civics class on regular and on advanced placement (AP) level, and offer academic assistance with classes involving Business law, Health, Tort and Injury law, Contract, Privacy law, Administrative law, Employment law and Intellectual Property/Patent law. The help is available for either coursework, exams or for various projects and papers.
event_available English All our English tutors have decades of experience of teaching English. They can further develop your English language, reading, and writing skills as a foundation for your academic studies. We can provide assistance on the pace of your class if you are enrolled in English class or help you to focus on progressive development of reading, grammar, writing by choosing texts and genres designed to improve your English.
event_available Math and Statistics We can explain the theory, “show the way” math problems have to be solved and go through as many examples and practice problems as you need to succeed on your own, to become proficient and independent. Our middle and high school students typically ask questions about Functions and Graphs, fractions, ratio and proportion, decimals, percents, the integers, number theory, rational and real numbers, probability and statistics, Diophantine equations, geometry and transformations, the metric system, relations and functions. Depending on the need, our tutor can delve into linear equations and inequalities, matrices, linear programming with applications to business, probability and discrete random variables.
event_available Chemistry Our typical student needs help in general principles of chemistry such as dimensional analysis, measurements, atomic structure, chemical bonding, nomenclature, states of matter, properties, solutions, electron transfer reactions, classification of chemical reactions and balancing equations. In our explanations we approach the nature of chemical bonding and how bonding between atoms gives rise to the molecules and compounds through the three-dimensional structure of matter.
event_available Economics and Finance Economics I and Economics II are traditionally understood as Macroeconomics and Microeconomics. Nine out of ten economics students come to us from undergrad college and are normally need help in at least one of six of areas: economic history, macroeconomics and banking, the labor market, taxation and public spending, competitive strategy, economic regulation, the environment and the economics of education, health care and transportation.
event_available Test Prep: SAT, IB, AP, MCAT, DAT Once you are professionally engaged with us, we pay particular attention to your academic progress. Test-prep is a big thing for us. We can go with your pace whichever class you are in or offer additional sessions for improving your score for national standardized tests like SAT, ACT, IB, AP. So, besides coursework assistance we offer additional help with Tests-prep SAT and ACT (including subject), IB and AP, SOL (in Virginia) and other special tests, ASVAB (Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery), Undergrad, Graduate, Post-graduate and admission testing LSAT, MCAT, DAT.
event_available Foreign Languages We have educated specialists on our staff who happened to be also absolutely fluent or native speakers of French, Russian and other languages. We offer one-on-one or group practice immersion sessions in face-to-face format or through our virtual classroom.




DAT Prep LSAT Prep Physics US Government and Law Foreign Languages Business Management Marketing MCAT Prep Mathematics Economics Statistics SAT Prep Ecology Math and Statistics Geometry English Test Prep: SAT IB AP MCAT DAT Chemistry Biology French Economics and Finance