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Make most of your online earnings yours, set your own price and teach from anywhere. Deliver and take instruction on advanced topics taught at your institution. Get extra help on completing assigned homework and projects. Teach and Learn fun topics not related to academics that will help enrich your life. Save time get more out of your learning by doing it online. Carefully choosing your instructor will guarantee your success. Provide Quality Instruction to students from educated, seasoned and reliable instructors. Our instructors are not teen tutors providing instruction during their spare time, but experienced teachers who specialize in education, most likely dedicated professionals in their respective fields.

Courses/Programs offered

event_available ONLINE Pre-Algebra TUTORING - Numbers and Operations - Tables and graphs - Lines and Linear Relationships - Functions and their properties - Rate of Change/ Slope - Lines and Triangles - Shapes and Polygons.
event_available Online Geometry Tutoring - Tools Of Geometry - Reasoning and Proof - Lines and Angles - Congruent Triangles - Relationships Within Triangles - The Polygon-Angle Sum Theorems - Similarity - Right Triangles And Trigonometry - Transformations - Area - Surface Area And Volume - Circles - Probability.
event_available Algebra 2 Tutoring - Basic Concepts of Algebra - Inequalities - Linear Equations and Functions - Polynomials - Rational Expressions - Radical Functions - Solving Quadratic Equations - Variation and Proportion - Analytic Geometry - Exponential and Logarithmic Functions - Sequences and Series - Matrices and Determinants.
event_available Online Statistics Tutoring - Designing a Study - Mean, Median, Mode & Range - Stem & Leaf Plots - Histograms - Box & Whisker Plots - Scatter Plots & Correlation - Evaluating Data & Making Conjectures - Basic Probability - Geometric Probability - And vs. Or Probability - Complementary & Mutually Exclusive Events - Predicting vs. Observing Probability - Compound Events - Basic Counting Principle - Factorials - Accuracy and Scientific Notation - Boxplots.
event_available SAT prep Barron’s SAT with Online Tests is completely revised and reflects all question types that appear on the current SAT. Step-by-step subject review helps students master the content, and full-length practice tests help students prepare to face the actual SAT.




ONLINE Pre-Algebra TUTORING Online Geometry Tutoring Trigonometry Algebra 2 Tutoring Algebra Geometry Online Statistics Tutoring SAT Prep