Courses/Programs offered
event_available ONLINE Pre-Algebra TUTORING
- Numbers and Operations
- Tables and graphs
- Lines and Linear Relationships
- Functions and their properties
- Rate of Change/ Slope
- Lines and Triangles
- Shapes and Polygons.
event_available Online Geometry Tutoring
- Tools Of Geometry
- Reasoning and Proof
- Lines and Angles
- Congruent Triangles
- Relationships Within Triangles
- The Polygon-Angle Sum Theorems
- Similarity
- Right Triangles And Trigonometry
- Transformations
- Area
- Surface Area And Volume
- Circles
- Probability.
event_available Algebra 2 Tutoring
- Basic Concepts of Algebra
- Inequalities
- Linear Equations and Functions
- Polynomials
- Rational Expressions
- Radical Functions
- Solving Quadratic Equations
- Variation and Proportion
- Analytic Geometry
- Exponential and Logarithmic Functions
- Sequences and Series
- Matrices and Determinants.
event_available Online Statistics Tutoring
- Designing a Study
- Mean, Median, Mode & Range
- Stem & Leaf Plots
- Histograms
- Box & Whisker Plots
- Scatter Plots & Correlation
- Evaluating Data & Making Conjectures
- Basic Probability
- Geometric Probability
- And vs. Or Probability
- Complementary & Mutually Exclusive Events
- Predicting vs. Observing Probability
- Compound Events
- Basic Counting Principle
- Factorials
- Accuracy and Scientific Notation
- Boxplots.
event_available SAT prep
Barron’s SAT with Online Tests is completely revised and reflects all question types that appear on the current SAT. Step-by-step subject review helps students master the content, and full-length practice tests help students prepare to face the actual SAT.