No.1 Commerce classes in Gandhinagar.
Welcome To Our Site MAHI COMMERCE ZONE (MCZ) was started by Dashrath Sir who has experience of teaching students for more than one decade. After running B.COM at age of 20 he started teaching in leading classes of that time. During that time he realised that besides teaching question and answers a teacher need to provide a real life case studies and examples to make students aware of reality he is going to face after qualifying and so started Mahi Commerce Zone. This classes started with educational stud...d in their exams, through a well-structured program prepared by experts in the field. These experts have vast experience and ensure the content is continously upgraded and relevant. At the Center of Excellence, the MCZ faculty is mentored to achieve and maintain the highest standards of content delivery and teaching. At Mahi Commerce Zone we make learning a pleasure for students. This can be reflected by the fact that even after being qualified students comes to meet and take guidance from Dashrath Sir.