
Flagler College Lifelong Learning

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Flagler College’s social media channels aim to keep you informed and engaged. Everyone — from students, staff and faculty members, parents, friend and fans — is welcome to share content and remain actively involved in our posts.

As you engage with us, please keep in mind our terms of use:

1. You are solely responsible for any content you post online.

2. Posts and shares both by the College and others do not necessarily reflect the views, opinions or policies of the College. Links to other websites and blogs do not constitute an endorsement. Flagler College is in no way responsible for content on external websites to which it links.

3. By posting on our social media channels, your information can be viewed by the public, and from time to time, someone may reuse your post(s) for their own interests.

4. The posting of confidential information, including but not limited, to an individual’s name, address, telephone number and email address, is strictly prohibited, as it violates privacy protections outlined in privacy laws such as FERPA and HIPPA, and in NCAA regulations.

5. In the spirit of inclusion, fairness and to promote a welcoming social media experience, Flagler College reserves the right to delete any post or comment. This may include those that are or the College perceives to be:

- harassment or bullying;

- threats;

- obscenities;

- defamatory material;

- libel;

- illegal material;

- referencing alcohol or illegal substances;

- profanity;

- graphic violence;

- pornography;

- material that invades an individual’s privacy;

- infringements of patented, trademarked, or other propriety rights of others;

- impersonations of or pretending to be someone else;

- discriminatory content in violation of Florida and Federal laws;

- violations of Flagler College policies and procedures;

- violations of fair use, copyright, and disclosure laws;

- advertisements, spam, viruses, and commercial solicitations;

- any violations of State and Federal law not otherwise addressed herein (criminal, civil, etc.); violations of the Terms of Use and guidelines adopted by the third-party social media platform.

Individuals who violate these terms risk being banned from posting or commenting on Flagler’s social media channels.

Flagler College is fully committed to having a vibrant, inclusive footprint on social media; as such, we regularly monitor for content that falls outside of our terms of use. Please refer to these guidelines if you question the appropriateness of a post or comment.

If you have social media questions, feel free to contact us at

Thank you for following and supporting Flagler College!

Flagler College’s Lifelong Learning program serves our local community by providing engaging, stimulating courses and fostering knowledge sharing and relationship building.