
Fit Learning

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In 1998, several graduate students in the behavior analysis program at the University of Nevada, Reno founded Fit Learning in a broom closet. Originally, Center for Advanced Learning, its founders were committed to applying the science of learning for the transformation of mainstream, academic difficulties. As a self-capitalized graduate program, the behavior analysis department at the University of Nevada supported its students in pursuing entrepreneurial endeavors that would allow them to develop their clinical skills and provide much needed services to children in the community.All of our programs use a multi-modal approach that greatly improves visual and auditory processing speed, working memory, executive functioning, confidence, and perseverance.

Courses/Programs offered

event_available Lil Fits Lil' Fits trains pre-K to 1st grade to fluency in Listening, Understanding, Following Instructions, Language Building, Reading Readiness, & Relational Math Concepts.
event_available Fit Homeschool The school environment can often be challenging for a child. Sometimes, the challenge is so great that its detrimental effects outweigh the benefits. Additionally, there are times when a school placement fails to maximize a child’s full potential. In these cases, a homeschool placement is recommended. When choosing Fit homeschool, parents elect through their school district to homeschool their child. Fit then provides homeschool support and supplementation in core skill areas.
event_available Science We value science as the crowning achievement of humanity. Educational practices guided by science should be a fundamental human right for every student on the planet.
event_available Fit Reading Fit Reading trains grades K-12 to fluency in Phonics, Phonemic Awareness, Oral and Silent Reading, Comprehension, Spelling & Vocabulary.
event_available Fit Math Fit Math trains grades 1st -12 to fluency in Numeration, Computation, Fractions, Decimals, Ratios, Percents, Algebra, & Problem Solving.
event_available Fit Logic Fit Logic trains grades K-12 to fluency in Problem Solving, Advanced Comprehension, Critical Thinking, and Study Skills.
event_available Fit Writing Fit Writing trains grades 3 - 12 to fluency in Grammar, Sentence & Paragraph Construction, Brainstorming, Organization, & Genre Writing.




Algebra Fit Logic Science Fit Reading Fit Homeschool Fit Math Mathematics Fit Writing Lil Fits