
Fine Tutors

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Fine Tutors is one of the leading private tuition supplementary schools in the UK, offering both face-to-face and online education in over 40 different centers in the UK. For fifteen consecutive years, we have had an outstanding track-record of providing the highest quality of tuition to our students who leave Fine Tutors achieving the best grades attainable.

Our tuition centers offer students between Years 1 to 13 with a range of private tuition services in English, Mathematics and Science.

Courses/Programs offered

event_available Key Stage 3 KS3 Years 7 to 9 is the most complex stage of education as students often become overwhelmed with having classes in a multitude of different subjects. As a result, many students become disinterested with their studies, despite having undergone numerous enjoyable years of schooling prior to Key Stage 3. We believe that this is simply a result of insufficient teaching at schools where resources in the three core subjects are shifted to teaching other subjects. However, at Fine Tutors, we have repeatedly seen that students who perform exceptionally well in English, Mathematics and Science perform well across all other subjects. This is why we stress to parents the importance of supplementary private tuition in these core subjects, especially in secondary school, for their child to attain the highest grades possible across all subjects.
event_available GCSEs The GCSE exams are the very first set of exams that will be assessed by employers. An impressive set of GCSE grades, particularly in the core subjects – English, Mathematics and Science – are essential to any graduate job in the UK and are a basic requirement of employers. Moreover, colleges and sixth forms use GCSE English and GCSE Maths exam grades to determine if a student is suited to particular A-Level subjects. At most selective colleges and sixth forms, enrolment onto STEM-based A-Level subjects often require students to have achieved Grade 7-9 in Mathematics while A-Levels in humanities subjects require the same grade in English. If a student cannot enrol onto a particular A-Level subject then their degree choice at university will be severely limited. This fundamentally means that GCSE preparation in Maths and English, as well as Science, is crucial for students to secure excellent grades and maximise their opportunities in higher education and employment.
event_available A-Levels A-Levels A-Levels are the most vital set of exams before university as they determine the subject and institution that a student will be able to attend for the next 3-5 years after sixth form. The A-Level course lasts for 2 years, during which a student will learn complex content in 3-4 different subjects. Students are often unprepared for this accelerated pace of learning, compared to their GCSEs, which is why tuition is necessary to make the transition to A-Levels as seamless as possible.
event_available SAT Students in Year 2 and Year 6 are expected to sit their SATS exams in May.
event_available 11 Plus In 1944, grammar schools were introduced across the UK to provide ambitious students with access to a superior education compared to what ordinary state schools offer. Students attending these grammar schools benefit significantly from excellent teaching, greater educational resources and a community of ambitious students. These highly sought-after schools select pupils based on their academic ability which is assessed using the challenging ‘11 Plus exams’.
event_available Key Stage 1 Years 1 and 2 are crucial for a child’s long-term development as, during these two years, children first begin to grapple with the fundamentals of English and Mathematics, where they are taught how to: Read; Write and Solve basic arithmetic problems
event_available Key Stage 2 KS2 In Key Stage 2, students will undergo a drastic learning curve where they are taught a significantly more challenging curriculum in English and Maths, and will be introduced to a third subject – Science. Unlike KS1, students will be formally examined in all three subjects at the end of Year 6 by what is known as the ‘SATS exams’. These exams are crucial as they determine which classes a student will be placed in during their secondary education. Students who receive an outstanding KS2 education tend to score highly in these SATS exams, allowing them to be placed in the very top classes in secondary school. Therefore, unlike other tuition services who simply teach the minimum curriculum, our tutors teach a specially tailored programme of learning where they go beyond the curriculum by teaching content through activity based exam-style learning.




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GCSEs Mathematics A-Levels 11 Plus English Science SAT Key Stage 1 Key Stage 2 Key Stage 3