
Einstein Tutoring

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We won't just find you any tutor, we will supply you with a tutor who has passed assessment tests, which will allow them to best guide your child in the subject he/she needs to improve on. We take pride in our professionalism and the results we see in our students. Einstein Tutoring believes that the convenience of having a 1-on-1 tutor at home is the easiest way to comply with parents and their student's busy schedules. The goal is to prepare for the SAT /ACT/ MCAT/ PCAT /DAT / OAT examination or to improve in a specific subject area, Einstein Tutoring has the programs and staff to make sure that goal is met.​

Courses/Programs offered

event_available Science - Biology - Chemistry - Astronomy - Biochemistry - Organic Chemistry .
event_available ​Computer Programming
event_available Nursing Exams
event_available Vocabulary
event_available Math - ​Elementary Math - Algebra 1 and 2 - Trigonometry - Calculus - Statistics .
event_available History - ​US - World - European - Government - Geography .
event_available ESL
event_available Languages(Spanish, French, Hindi)
event_available English - ​Comprehension - Reading - Spelling - Grammar  - Pronunciation .
event_available Business - Management - Accounting - Economics - Politics - Finance .
event_available Website Design
event_available ADD/ADHD and any other learning disability




Astronomy Website Design Math Trigonometry Economics Languages(Spanish French Hindi) Geography Science ​Computer Programming Calculus Statistics Mathematics Business ESL Chemistry Vocabulary SAT/ACT/AP/MCAT/PCAT/GMAT/ OAT/DAT Algebra Nursing Exams ADD/ADHD and any other learning disability History Biology English