
Elevation Tutoring

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We offer customized tutoring tailored to students from grade school through college. Our tutors have years of experience and our SAT/ACT coaches are top 1% scorers. We empower pupils across the country to raise scores, reduce stress, and position themselves for target schools.

Courses/Programs offered

event_available Writing Our exceptional tutoring focuses on building strong writing skills for students from grade school through graduate school. Pupils are coached on developing a confident approach to brainstorming, outlining, writing, and editing.
event_available Languages Spanish French Hebrew Italian Latin Japanese
event_available Social Science Our exceptional social science tutoring supports students from elementary school through college. Sessions are tailored to each student, offering focused and clear instruction aimed at increasing understanding and performance. American History World History European History Economics Government
event_available Test Prep ACT SAT AP PSAT Diagnostic Exams GRE LSAT GMAT ISEE SSAT SHSAT
event_available Math Our customized math tutoring offers a clear understanding of content and empowers students to raise their scores. We help students from grade school through graduate school reduce stress and gain a confident approach to math. Our engaging tutors have years of experience and motivate pupils to effectively improve performance.
event_available Science Our skilled science tutoring empowers students from middle school through college to gain confidence, better grasp material and raise scores. Our focused approach presents complex science content clearly and accessibly, leading toward greater understanding and achievement.




Languages Known


Position your child for success with exceptional customized tutoring and test preparation (grade school through college).

SSAT Prep LSAT Prep GMAT Prep ISEE Prep Writing Languages Social Science SAT Prep Math Science Spanish American History French SHSAT Prep Mathematics Economics World History Test Prep GRE Prep