
Educational Connections

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We specialize in matching students with highly qualified tutors. Our professional tutors work with students on strengthening academic content knowledge, study skills, organization, time management, and preparation for college admission tests (SAT and ACT). Since 85% of our tutors are current or former teachers with a Master's Degree or above, we are able to customize programs for each child's unique needs including those with ADHD and dyslexia. Our trademarked Educational Coaching process helps students develop executive functioning skills by providing students with research-based tips, tools, and strategies.

Courses/Programs offered

event_available SSAT In the D.C. area, the SSAT is the most widely used academic assessment for independent school admission. There’s no doubt that this assessment produces a tremendous amount of anxiety as the most competitive schools want to see strong scores. The SSAT is a strategy-based test, which is often very different from what a student is used to in the classroom. For correct answers, students gain one point. For incorrect answers, students lose one-fourth of a point. For answers left blank, there is no positive or negative effect, simply a zero toward the raw score.
event_available HSPT Tutoring While each Catholic high school in the Diocese of Arlington has its own guidelines for evaluating applicants, each requires students to begin with the High School Placement Test (HSPT). These high schools consider eighth-graders’ HSPT results for admissions decisions, scholarship selection, and course placement.
event_available Virtual and In-Home Tutoring Individualized attention starting with a personalized consultation, highly credentialed tutors, and ability to work on any subject. Reading Writing History and Social Sciences Math Science Foreign Languages
event_available Executive Function Coaching Our Executive Function Coaching is a unique, research-based program to help your child master the skills they need to succeed in school and life. In this program, your child will learn how to get organized, manage their time well, study effectively, and stay motivated.
event_available College Prep Walking your child through the college admissions process can be overwhelming. From SAT/ACT test prep and admissions essays to college tours and financial aid applications, the to-do list is long and complex. When your child’s school of choice turns out to be test-optional, you may wonder if you can strike the SAT/ACT from your list altogether. Read our full blog to learn the answers to some common questions about test-optional schools.
event_available AP Exam Prep Studying for an AP exam can be a daunting task. The tests are long, in-depth, and cover a year’s worth of material. Especially as “spring fever” sets in, your child may be tempted to study a few times here and there or cram at the last minute, then wing it on test day.
event_available ACT And SAT Tutoring The ACT requires speed and focus. The ACT is more straightforward than the SAT and presents content in a format-familiar-fashion for most students. The quantity of questions and tight time-frame makes time management the key to success.




SSAT Prep Virtual and In-Home Tutoring Science College Prep AP Exam Prep ACT And SAT Tutoring SAT Prep SSAT HSPT Tutoring HSPT Prep Mathematics Executive Function Coaching