
DMMS Nursing Academy Jaipur

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The DMMS Institute has gained a reputation for quality teaching and student care. A team of core faculty at the institute with right mix of qualification, experience and enthusiasm ensures regular classes; timely academic progress and proper student mentoring. The DMMS has well ventilated class rooms, well equipped laboratory, and a well stocked library with books and journals.

DMMS Academy of Nursing is a premier nursing institue for various competitve exams,offering state and national level nursing competitve exams to students.The DMMS believes that nursing programme is broad based education directed towards helping the student in their all around development. The faculty take pride in their profession in fulfilling personal, social and professional obligation so as to respond to national aspiration.


Our mission is to illustrate excellence and leadership in nursing and health care education


Our vision is to serve the kindred of health care service providers by developing well trained professionals needed in this field. This we want to achieve by

Improving the quality of nursing education imparted at our institution

Increasing student and academic interaction

A group of intellectually superior people