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Everyone one of us has the potential to reach our goals. It’s just a matter of discovering what our goals are and bringing that side of ourselves to light, making it a significant part of who we are. How do you do that?

You could do self-study and muddle your way through it, or you could take on the services of a personal coach to work with you on your development.

Personal coaches can help you with a range of concerns. The most skilled of them will take your personality into account, understand what you want to achieve and tailor their guidance to suit your growth style. Finding a coach who gets you is already half the battle in your quest to live more meaningfully.

Courses/Programs offered

event_available Life Coaching Services When you feel like your life is fraying at the edges and you don’t know what to do or who to approach about it, turn to a life coach. Daftein’s Professional Life Coaching Services Assistance empowers you to find the answers to your life’s questions within yourself. Together with your professional life coach, you can conquer your fears, create new options for yourself and move forward in your journey to success.
event_available Business Coaching services Business owners and other entrepreneurs have a lot on their plate when it comes to running the show. Many find it hard to maintain the balancing act of managing the business’ interests with professional development goals and vice versa. Don’t lose heart. Through meaningful corporate executive coaching, Daftein’s Business Coaching Services will help you cultivate leadership behaviours.
event_available Relationships Coaching You have the power to rewrite your relationship history. Sometimes, you just need guidance to steer you into the best direction. That’s what Daftein’s online relationship coaching can do for you. When a relationship you care about such as with a family member or a friend is in trouble, you can feel unsure about who to ask for help with such a personal problem. Family or friends are often too emotionally invested to be impartial. A couple’s therapist or a marriage guidance counsellor can feel too impersonal. But with personal relationship coaching at Daftein, you can create a safe space for you to share your experiences with honesty and openness. Whether you are trying to see how you fit in a group, in the process of patching up old hurts or just generally trying to communicate better with other people, know that you have an impartial guide in the relationship coaching staff at Daftein. We genuinely want to see you make and maintain long term or even life-long bonds that make your life much more satisfying.
event_available Career Coaching Careers progressions aren’t linear. Often, people will go through major life events that might make them rethink their path. How do you know whether to stay or go? These are important questions that need deep and thorough consideration. Get assistance from Daftein’s Career Coaching Services for executive and professional. More than our coach’s drive to see you discover what you really want, Daftein aims to provide the support you need to achieve a change or start in a new career. Reach out today to see your options.




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Relationships Coaching Career Coaching Life Coaching Services Business Coaching services