
Curious Minds

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"IITians Curious Minds is an Education company aims to cater to the needs of science enthusiasts right from 6th standard to 12th Standard. Our STEM (Robotics / Coding / AI ) Courses catering the needs of STEM learning of students at an early stage of 6th Std to 10th Std. Coaching and Foundation courses - Aims to build Strong foundation for success in boards as well as in Olympiads - to prepare kids for competitive exams like IIT JEE and NEET. Our Professional 2 year courses - helping kids to excel and crack national level exams including IIT - JEE , NEET , KVPY , BIT-SAT , MH-CET etc. - Students are taught and mentored by the team of IITIANS, - Feedback driven academic system and extra support. - Customized support till last day."

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