
Code For Fun

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Code for fun believes that computer science and the products it enables are essential to the world we live in. To be prepared to fully embrace the 21st century and be a successful agent of its economy, children must have a clear understanding of the different aspects of computer science. Code for fun follows CSTA standards (Computer Science Teaching Association) to build curricula designed to equip our students with necessary skills and knowledge to become well educated digital citizens. Our first step is to expose students to computer science and teach them critical thinking skills that will be used in field beyond computer science. Our second step is a deeper exploration of facets of computer science, and is targeted to students with a special interest in computer science.

Courses/Programs offered

event_available Private Coaching online classes with an instructor to boost technology skills and strengthen CS concepts, while simultaneously fostering computational thinking, problem-solving, and collaboration skills.
event_available Online After School Program Weekly after-school online coding classes For Kids & Teens ages 5 to 16
event_available In Person Program 3 days camps in person from 9:00AM to 3:00PM




In Person Program Private Coaching Online After School Program