
Bar Exam Doctor

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What Makes The Bar Exam Doctor Different From Other Bar Reviews?

The Bar Exam Doctor provides a high quality service at a reduced rate by forcing students to do two things – Performance Tests and Essays! We have structured our prices so that students are able to afford our service without taking away the money needed for food, lodging, and other necessities. At Bar Exam Doctor, we live, eat, and breathe Performance Tests and Essays. Our graders have been highly trained in the areas the Bar Examiners look for when grading your tests. Along with comments throughout each answer, a unique score and comment sheet is also provided for each test which is then tabulated with other tests taken so a student can track how he or she is doing on both performance tests and essays. We even offer one-on-one tutoring with the grader who just graded your test within 48 hours (if available)!

Does The Bar Exam Doctor Offer Tutoring For All Sections Of The Bar Exam?

Of course! While our main focus is on performance tests and essays, the Bar Exam Doctor also offers tutoring services for the mbe. Often times we find that a student lacks the skills needed to pass the bar exam in several sections across the board. We find that once we help them perfect their writing, issue spotting, and outlining skills for the performance tests and essays, their skills also improve in the other sections. After a few sessions with the Bar Exam Doctor coupled with a few Performance Tests and Essays, a student can dramatically improve their scores overall on the bar exam leading to them passing the bar exam.

Can I Submit My Handwritten Tests For Grading?

Of course! Students can handwrite their answers and fax them in once completed.

Are The Performance Test And Essay Simulators Similar To The Software Program (Examsoft) Used On The Bar Exam?

As you may know, most bar exam candidates now type their tests using a software program (Examsoft). In order to help a student have a similar experience, we at Bar Exam Doctor, along with the help of a team of highly experienced computer programmers and website designers designed and created two very special patent pending programs that allow a student do an entire Performance Test and Essay online 24 hours a day! There is no better way for a student to focus on their weaknesses!

How Soon Will I Get My Answer Graded And Returned?

At Bar Exam Doctor, a student’s test is graded and returned to them within 48 hours (or sooner!) from the time of completion of the test. Then, the student is free to get back in there and send us another one! How is this possible? We have a huge staff (and continue to accept applications) of very qualified lawyers who will grade your tests during all days and during all hours of the week!

I've Heard You Can't Prepare For The Performance Test, Is This True?

This is purely a myth. We feel strongly that you can and should study for the Performance Tests. We are amazed how many full bar review courses overlook this section of the test. A student must know that they should provide adequate time and effort to this section. It should not be overlooked or taken lightly. However, with the right preparation, it can be conquered!

If I Only Have Former Bar Exam Graders Grade My Exams Does That Guarantee I'll Pass The Bar Exam?

This is our favorite gimic we hear from students these days. There are several bar reviews around town that are run strictly by former bar graders who preach that they have the magic answer and the student still does not pass the bar exam. Just because someone graded the bar exam doesn't mean that they can teach a student how to improve their writing. Have you ever had a very experienced doctor who had bad bedside manners? Well this is usually the case. We bring a lot more to the table then just former bar graders. Most of our graders truly understand where our students came from and where they are heading by grading their exams. We ensure that our former bar graders coupled with other very qualified licensed attorneys have proven teaching experience to help provide our students with the instruction needed not just what the bar examiners are looking for - but also how to get there!

So what are you waiting for, lets get you writing!

The Bar Exam Doctor is a website specifically designed to help students improve their bar exam score. We want show you how to take that 55 and make it a 75

At Bar Exam Doctor our comprehensive California bar exam courses has everything to succeed on the California Bar Exam Review. Call us today at 818-922-5151 or fill our contact form.

MBE Prep