
Anannt Education

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When I look back to my test taking days as a student around a decade back, I remember the thrill of improving my skills and maximizing my potential in the tests. Later as a trainer, helping others achieve their maximum potential has been the biggest thrill ever. Over a period of time, helping students get the best possible score with minimal efforts has become my passion.

The key realization for us at Anannt is that ANYONE can absolutely nail the tests. This also serves as a constant motivation for us to strive for the optimal solutions. The possibility that we can potentially enable anyone to realise their dreams is what kicks us out of bed every morning.

Of course there is a caveat to this, Anyone can nail the tests provided they have one key ingredient – desire. That’s all that matters. No matter which test you plan to take – SAT, GRE, GMAT, IELTS, TOEFL etc. – as long as you have the desire, nothing can stop you from acing the tests.

The other element required other than desire is guidance, which is where our focus has been. We at Anannt believe that every student has a unique learning curve and the best performance comes from customizing the training to the student’s unique ability as much as possible. Hence we modify our guidance for each student so that they achieve their best despite any shortcomings they may have.

The guidance is not limited to the study material and solving questions but extends to other essential aspects of test-taking like working on error patterns, customizing the testing strategies, working on short term goals to achieve the final dream scores, and most importantly motivating students to stay on track.

The other aspect we are very focussed on is teaching methodology. We don’t want to burden students with orthodox theoretical material, in fact we persist with a teaching style that is unorthodox, uncomplicated and easy to understand. This has brought great results for our students and helps them approach the study with clarity and speed. Of course, having been students ourselves not too long ago has helped us focus on the student’s perspective.

Courses/Programs offered

event_available Exam Prep AP SAT GRE GMAT TOEFL IELTS ACT UCAT




Languages Known


Anannt Education, an coaching for GRE®, GMAT™, TOEFL®, IELTS™ and SAT/ACT coaching, preparation, Study in USA, Canada and Germany.

Exam Prep