Courses/Programs offered
event_available K-12
We’ve done the hard work of curating and developing quality standards aligned content online. Within our platform you’re able to view detailed information for grades K-12 standards including an unpacking of the standard, the vertical progression, videos & lesson plans, as well as sample assessment items pulled from summative assessments such as PARCC, MCAS, SBAC and more.
event_available Pursuing Equitable Instruction Session
This session will provide participants with critical understandings of anti-racism while establishing key connections to equitable instruction and increased student outcomes. The goal of this session is to engage educators in strategic learnings from our anti-racism-focused partnerships and ignite leaders to action as we plan for the year ahead within local school communities.
event_available Engaging Communities In The Work Towards Racial Equity In Education
Excellence, equity, and empowerment of students and families require engaging stakeholders in the work toward racial equity in our educational communities. This session will highlight the creation of a multi-generational, multi-racial change team trained in anti-racist practices resulting in connections and conversations for racial healing across differences. In addition, this can lead to the development of anti-racist commitments that can guide the re-evaluation of district policies, procedures, and structures that perpetuate racism. All of this builds a solid foundation for systemic change.
event_available Executive Coaching And Modeling
As leaders pursue student empowerment and academic excellence for all, they can encounter resistance that is based in race, power, and privilege. This session helps leaders consider how executive coaching and modeling can develop them toward leading anti-racist development, racial healing and empowerment of educators and students.